A huge shout to our newest sponsor - - thanks!
Accused Hill guitar thieves sentenced
ANNAPOLIS, Md. - Two men accused of stealing guitars once used by
Faith Hill and Nickelback have been sentenced to probation. Jeffrey H. Lanahan, 44, was accused of stealing at least a dozen instruments from his employer, Paul Reed Smith Guitars. He gave them to Michael J. Kelly, 42, accused of passing them along to another man who sold them on eBay.
Dinosaur Jr Gear Stolen (Long Island City, NY)
J's Amma guitar, the mountain man guitar, Lou's Rickenbacker... EVERYTHING IS GONE. They are still taking inventory to see what else is gone but they were pretty much wiped out.
WE NEED YOUR HELP!!! Spread the word to everyone you know, every music store, pawn shop, club... anywhere you can think they may show up.
If you have ANY information let us know -
Their gear is listed here as well - best of luck to them with getting all this back.
03.12.2006 - In anticipation of feature additions to keep up with the, I've moved this site to my own
racks, i.e. my own hosting.
08.27.2005 - Minor database upgrades and maintenance.
03.17.2005 - Site launched in beta/testing mode.
03.17.2005 - At my brother's urging, I register for a account, since that place is
thick with bands. You may all ridicule me now,
since I'm the one who printed up 200 'nobody gives a f--k about your blog' stickers.
03.18.2005 - First registrants, courtesy this press release:
I don't know if any of you have ever had a guitar stolen, but
it sucks ... and most of the time you can pretty much count
on never getting your beloved guitar back ...
Heres how the website works: If you get a guitar stolen, you
can register it on the website, complete with picture,
serial .. and description.
Once the word gets out, music stores can use
WWW.STOLENGUITARREGISTRY.COM to run used guitars' serial
numbers before they buy them to insure they're not "hot."
Law enforcement types can run recovered stolen guitars' serial
numbers to find out who the owners are. And the cool part is
-- if somebody runs your stolen guitar's serial number, YOU
WWW.STOLENGUITARREGISTRY.COM letting you know who ran it!
So check out WWW.STOLENGUITARREGISTRY.COM ... register your
stolen guitars and get them back! Pass this message on to
your musician friends or the music stores you go to!
-Cory Hance (the Cells)
03.20.2005 - BANNERS!
I've finally cranked out some banners!

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Include code for this banner:
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Include code for this banner:
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